Anagallis foemina
Anagallis foemina
Stem 5-30 cm, often branched, decumbent to erect. Leaves 12-17x 5-8 mm, opposite or rarely whorled, ovate to lanceolate, upper leaves usually lanceolate. Whorls 2-4-flowered. Pedicels 5-17 mm, ± equal to or shorter than subtending leaves, rarely slightly projecting. Calyx lobes 4-5 mm, lanceolate, ± equal to or shorter than the corolla. Corolla blue, 4-5,5 mm diam., margin crenate. Fl. 6-10. Dry limestone places, cultivated fields, clay and sandy banks, scrub, s.l.-1250 m.
Medit. element.