Bromus pumilio

Bromus pumilio

Bodur kılcan

Annual. Stems to 15 cm, erect or geniculately ascending. Leaf sheaths with short, fine hairs. Leaf blades 2-10 cm x 3-5 mm, pubescent. Panicle 2-7 cm, ovoid or flabellate, very dense; branches and pedicels much shorter than spikelets. Spikelets 10-17 x 1.5-3 mm, linear-lanceolate to narrowly oblong. Glumes lanceolate, lower 4-6 mm, upper 5-8 mm. Lemma 9-12 mm, oblong, chartaceous, prominently veined, apex lacerate; awns 5-9 per lemma, 6-14 mm, arising well below lemma apex, basally flattened, divaricate or spreading when mature, often red or purple. Palea shorter than lemma. Anthers 0.2-0.5 mm. Fl. 4-7. Steppe, igneous slopes, s.l.-2000 m.

E. Mediterranean area, S.W. Asia, N.W. India.

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