Limonium tamaricoides

Limonium tamaricoides

 Çorak kuduzotu

Perennial,suffruticose, with short woody caudex covered with numerous brown overlapping scales. Stem 15-25 cm. Leaves few, obovate to ob1ongspathulate, 10-20 x 3-5 mm, apiculately acuminate, gradually tapering into a slender petiole, dying early. Scapes numerous, terete, corymbose-paniculate nearly from base, with numerous sterile branches in lower part. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, 3-3.5 mm, arranged in ± globose spikes along terminal branches. Outer bract broadly ovate, 1 mm, hyaline except at base; first inner bract 2.5 x longer than outer, ± orbicular, herbaceous nearly up to middle, broadly hyaline above; second inner bract similar but longer and oblong. Calyx obconical, 2-3 mm; tube densely pilose on and between veins; limb 5-lobed, lobes emarginate-apiculate ; veins reddish, terminating well below margin. Petals pale violet.
Endemic to C. Anatolia; known only from the type gathering. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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