Limonium graecum

Limonium graecum

Kum karanfili
Perennial, suffruticose, stem branched at base. Leaves either all basal or with fascicular rosettes on scape branches, fleshy, oblong-spathulate to lanceolate-spathulate, 20-40 x 3-10 mm, petiolate, rounded-obtuse, tuberculate, entire or denticulate. Scapes dichotomously branched with a few sterile branches, articulated, tuberculate. Spikes lax, distichous or unilateral. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, 9-10 mm, suberect, remotely spaced. Bracts rusty brown; outer bract triangular-ovate, 1.5-2 mm, narrowly hyaline-margined; first inner bract similar, hyaline; second inner bract oblong-obovate, 3-4 x as long as outer bract, strongly concave, enclosing flowers, hyaline-margined. Calyx ± infundibular; tube straight, hirtellous; limb 5-lobed, lobes ovate-obtuse. Petals violet. Fl. 5-7. Sea shores, sand, shingle, volcanic limestone rocks, s.l.
1. Leaves oblong-spathulate, entire ..............................................var. graecum 
1. Leaves lanceolate-spathulate, ± denticulate ................................var. hyssopifolium 
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