Acantholimon glumaceum

Acantholimon glumaceum

 Kavuzlu geven

Rather laxly pulvinate shrublet. Leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, triquetrous, 15-30 x 0.7-1 mm, glabrous or pubescent, margins scabridulous, previous year's leaves strongly reflexed. Scapes 2-4 x exceeding leaves. Spikes 1-2-branched. Spikelets 5-12, 13-15 mm. Bracts subequal, puberulent to glabrous; outer bract oblong-ovate, 6-8 mm, slightly shorter than or ± equalling inner bracts, acuminate, cuspidate; inner bracts oblong-lanceolate, subobtuse with a slender cusp. Calyx 12-14 mm, tube sparsely pilose, limb white, 10-lobed or truncate; veins purple, reaching margin or slightly excurrent. Petals bright pink. Fl. 7-8. Limestone rods, clay slopes, chalky hills, 1520-1950 m.
Soviet Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element.
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