Bartsia trixago


Bartsia trixago


Syn: Bellardia trixago
Annual, eglandular-pubescent below, glandular above. Stems erect, usually simple, 10-70 cm. Leaves linear to linear-oblong, 3-9 cm, regularly serrate-dentate to ± pinnatifid, sessile. Bracts cordate, acuminate, upper entire, longer than calyces. Pedicels c. 1 mm. Calyx 10-12 mm; tube 5-6 mm; lobes 4-7 mm, ovate, ± obtuse. Corolla white flushed pink above, white or yellow, 17-23 mm, tube 7-17 mm; lower lip ± longer than upper. Anthers pilose. Capsule c. 9 x 5 mm, pilose; seeds c. 0,7 mm. Fl. 3-6. In phrygana, sand, limestone and terra-rossa slopes, wet meadows, cornfields, s.I.-1220 m.
Mediterranean area, Caucasus, N. Iraq, N. & W. Iran, Cyprus, Ethiopia, E. Africa. Introduced in N. & S. America and Australia; also present in southern Africa where it is apparently native. 
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