Epilobium montanum
Epilobium montanum
Erect perennial herbs with short subterranean or aerial stolons, in winter terminating in leafy rosettes; stems 20-55 cm, terete, glabrescent or sparsely puberulent. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 2-6 x 1-2,5 cm, glabrescent, margins serrate to the broadly rounded base, sessile or with petiole to c. 2 mm. Inflorescence sparsely glandular-pubescent. Flowers pale pink; petals 7-9 mm; stigma 4-lobed. Capsule 4-8 cm; seeds narrowly obovoid, c. 1 mm, papillose. Fl. 7-8. Clearings in forests, by streams, 780-2300 m.
Throughout Europe and the temperate regions of Asia. Euro-Sib. element