Ligustrum vulgare
Ligustrum vulgare
Tardily deciduous shrub to 3 m, with slender branches and smooth grey bark. Buds glabrous. Young twigs pubescent, greyish brown at maturity. Leaves 2-5,5 x 0,8-2,1 cm, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate or obovate, glabrous, with short petioles. Panicles terminal, 3-6 cm, pubescent. Flowers fragrant. Corolla 4-5 mm, tube as long as limb. Stamens with oblong anthers shorter than corolla. Calyx 1 mm, glabrous. Berry 3-8 mm, subglobose, lustrous black. Fl. 6. Deciduous woodland, in mixed forest , open scrub, moist places, somewhat calcicole, s.I.-1500 m.
Morocco, W., S. & C. Europe eastwards to Caucasia & N. Iran. Euro-Sib. element.