Proboscidea louisianica

Proboscidea louisianica

Glandular-pubescent annual with prostrate or ascending stems, 30-90 cm long. Leaves opposite, the upper sometimes subalternate, 6-20 cm across, broadly ovate or rounded, deeply cordate at base, entire or shallowly sinuate. Petioles 5-15 cm, stout, Inflorescence racemose, -20-40 flowered and flowers fragrant. Calyx 1.5-2 cm long, connate at least ½. Corolla campanulate to funnel form, limb unequally 5-lobed; white, cream or purple, throat yellow and often dotted with rose-purple, about 3.5-5.5cm long. Fertile stamens 4, included. Fruit is a 2-valved capsule with long horns, 4-6 cm, horns are 1-3 times longer than the body, on the upper site with a serrate crest up to 1 cm high, surface usually not distinctly echinate. Flowering time is August to September in Turkey.

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