Thymus revolutus

Thymus revolutus

 Kum kekiği

Dwarf shrub with woody, slender , creeping, partly subterranean and rooting primary branches. Flowering stems 2-9 cm, erect, hairy all round with patent villous hairs. Internodes shorter than leaves. Axillary leaf fascicles present. Leaves 8-13 x 0.7-0.9 mm, lanceolate-falcate, all with revolute margins, hairy with long and short hairs, ciliate to near apex. Oil dots mainly numerous, orange to ruby. Inflorescence a compact conical head c. 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Bracts 7-12 x 3.5-7.5 mm, broadly ovate-acuminate, margins revolute towards apex, villous, ciliate to apex, with 3-5 pairs of strong lateral veins. Bracteoles minute. Calyx 4-5 mm, pubescent to villous, lips equal, usually longer than tube;upperteeth c. 0.8 mm, ciliate. Corolla purple, 6-8 mm. Fl 5-7. Open rocky and gravelly ground, s.l.-870 m.
Endemic. E. Medit, element. Perhaps most closely related to T. pulvinatus.
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