Mentha suaveolens
Mentha suaveolens
Kaba nane
Softly hairy perennial with sickly sweet odour. Rhizomes mainly epigeal with very small rugose leaves. Flowering stems 40-100 cm, erect, sparsely villous to densely white-lanate. Leaves 30-45 x 20-40 mm, sessile or almost so, oblong-ovate to suborbicular, widest near base, apex obtuse or cuspidate, base cordate or semi-amplexicaul, margin serrate, often appearing crenate due to teeth being bent towards underside of leaf. Lamina strongly rugose, pale green and sparsely to densely villous above, grey- or white-lanate beneath with branched hairs, basal cell 43-57 mcm diam. Verticillasters many, usually congested, forming a terminal spike 40-90 x 5-10 mm, often interrupted below and branched. Calyx 1-2 mm. Corolla whitish or pink. Nutlets chestnut to blackish-brown, reticulate to rugose. 2n = 24. Fl. 6-10. Damp ground, often drying up in summer, s.l.-400 m.
W. Europe, Mediterranean area. Medit. element.