Lavandula pedunculata
Lavandula pedunculata
Subsp cariensis: Karan
Syn: L.stoechas ssp cariensis
Shrub to 45 cm or more, tomentose. Upper leaves lanceolate, elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 14-40 x 1-5 mm, slightly revolute, with numerous smaller fastigiate strongly revolute leaves in their axils and at base of stem. Spike pedunculate, 1.5-4.5 cm, oblong to ovoid, dense, not interrupted. Fertile bracts 4-7 x 3-8 mm, rhombic-cordate, tomentose. Upper bracts purple or white, 7-30 x 2-8 mm, obovate or narrowly oblong, without flowers in their axils. Verticillasters 6-10-flowered. Calyx 4-6 mm, 13-veined, upper tooth with spade-shaped to transversely oblong, entire or slightly lobed, ± stipitate appendage 0.5-1 x 1-2 mm. Corolla blackish-purple, 5-8.5 mm. Fl. 3-6. Open Pinus brutia forest, macchie, phrygana, rocky limestone and granitic slopes, sandy places, roadsides, s.l-700 m.
1-Peduncles 0.5-2.5 cm, shorter than spike; upper bracts 7-17 x 3-8 mm, obovate ; calyx appendage entire .........subsp. stoechas
1-Peduncles 5-20 cm, longer than spike; upper bracts 13-30 x 2-5 mm, narrowly oblong; calyx appendage often undulate or lobed ...............subsp. cariensis