Iris suaveolens
Iris suaveolens
Bodur süsen
Plant 8-14 cm. Leaves 0,5-1 cm broad, falcate, greyish-green, sometimes with purple margins. Stem simple, very short , with 1-2 terminal flowers. Bract and bracteole navicular, sharply keeled, 3.5-7 cm, subequal, or bracteole slightly smaller, green, sometimes tinged purple; when 2-flowered the innermost bracteole may be membranous, not keeled. Flowers purple, yellow or bicoloured with a purplish or brownish lamina to falls; beard yellow, cream or purple; perianth tube 2.54.3 cm; falls obovate, 3.5-5 x 1-1.8 cm; standards broadly obovate or oblong, abruptly narrowed to a short claw, 3.5-6 x 1.6-2 cm; style branches 2.2-3 x 0.4-0.7 cm with obtuse lobes c. 0.3 x 0.3 cm. Capsule ellipsoid, 3-5.5 x 1-2.5 cm. 2n = 24. Fl. 3-4. In scrub and on rocky hillsides, 30-1400 m.
Balkans, E. Medit. element.