Crocus graveolens
Crocus graveolens
Yel çiğdemi
Corm tunic membranous, splitting at base into parallel fibres. Leaves 5-8, synanthous, 0.5-1.5 mm broad, usually grey-green on upper surface. Prophyll absent. Bracteole present, equal in length to but narrower than bract. Throat of perianth yellow, glabrous or pubescent; segments 1.8-2.8 x 0.4-0.7 cm, acute, bright orange-yellow, outer ones usually striped or suffused bronze outside. Filaments 3-5 mm, yellow, papillose; anthers 9-13 mm, yellow. Style dividing into very many slender deep orange or yellow branches. 2n = 6. FI. 2-4. Stony hillsides, often in macchie or clearings in Quercus, Juniperus and Pinus scrub, 500-1500 m.
N. Syria. E. Medit. element.