Crocus flavus


Crocus flavus


Ssp dissectus: Dilik çiğdem; Ssp flavus: Yerçiğdemi; Ssp sarichinarensis: Yer iğdesi
Corm tunic membranous, splitting at base into coarse parallel fibres; cataphylls tough, persisting as a long brown neck at apex of corm. Leaves 4-8, synanthous, 2.5-4 mm broad. Prophyll absent. Bracteole present, narrowly linear, sheathed by much larger bract. Throat of perianth yellow, glabrous or pubescent; segments 1.5-3.5 x0,4-1.2 cm, obtuse to subacute, yellow to orangeyellow, rarely striped or suffused brown on perianth tube. Filaments 3-7 mm,  yellow, glabrous or pubescent; anthers 0.8-1.5 mm, yellow. Style divided into c. 3 or more yellow to orange branches. 2n = 8. Fl. 3-4. Woods, scrub and grassland, s.l.-1200 m.
1. Style obscurely divided into 3 short, usually expanded branches subsp. flavus
1. Style distinctly divided into 6 or more slender branches subsp. dissectus