Ribes aureum

Ribes aureum


Stems erect or rounded shrub 1-3 m tall, without spines, the branches reddish and hairless to finely short-hairy when young, hairless and dark gray with age. Leaves: alternate, finely short-hairy to hairless when young, but with age thick, pale green, and usually hairless except for few hairs on the edges, broadly triangular-ovate to ovate, with a broadly wedge- to somewhat heartshaped-base, 2-5 cm broad, mostly 3-lobed less than half their length, the segments entire or with 2-5 rounded teeth. Flowers: fragrant, 5-18 in clusters equaling or longer than the leaves. Flower stalks up to 8 mm long, jointed under the ovary. Calyx hairless, golden yellow, cylindrical, 6-8 mm long, the 5 calyx lobes oblong-elliptic, spreading, 5-7 mm long. The 5 petals yellow to orange or reddish, oblongobovate, erect. The 5 stamens about equaling the petals, the filaments about equal to the anthers. Styles joined almost to the stigmas, hairless. Fruits: berries, hairless, round, about 7 mm long, red to black, rarely yellow, palatable .

Habitat: Near district center at the garden 1200-1300 m.,

Phenology: Flowering time is from April to May and fruiting from June to July

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