Vicia esdraelonensis

Vicia esdraelonensis

Ova fiği


Ascending-erect annual, c. 35 cm, very sparsely pilose above. Leaflets mostly 4-6-paired, 12-20 x2.5-4.5 mm, linear-oblong, tapered at base, truncate to retuse; stipules 1-3 mm, semi-hastate, entire; tendrils short, simple or trisect. Peduncle 2-10 mm; pedicel shorter than calyx. Flowers usually solitary, 15-19 mm, violet. Calyx 7-8 mm, gibbous, with an oblique lip, subglabrous; teeth unequal, lanceolate-subulate, shorter than tube. Standard with limb about as long as claw. Legume obliquely oblong-oblanceolate, c. 25 x 7-8 mm, convex below, glabrous, with a short recurved beak. Seeds 4-5, hilum ¼-1/5  of perimeter, Fl. 4-5.

Palestine, Syrian Desert . Ir.-Tur. element.

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