Calicotome villosa
Calicotome villosa
Erect shrub up to 3 m, branches alternate, with stout lateral spines, young twigs densely villous. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 5-15 mm, obovate, with dense, shortly villous hairs beneath, glabrous above. Flowers mostly in umbellate clusters of 3-5, sometimes up to 12, or borne in short, ebracteate racemes. Bracts foliaceous; pedicels 4-8 mm; bracteoles entire or somewhat trifid. Calyx densely villous. Standard 12-18 mm, as long as the wings and keel, glabrous. Legume c. 30-50 x 8-10 mm, densely villous, with the sutures somewhat thickened. Fl 3-6. Macchie, on dry rocky ground, s.I.-900 m.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.