Euphorbia erubescens

Euphorbia erubescens

Kınalı sütleğen

Syn: E.macrostegia
Glabrous or subglabrous robust perennial to 60 cm, flowering stems biennial. Cauline leaves of first year's growth petiolate, obovate to oblong-oblanceolate, 3-11 x 1-2.5 cm, rounded, obtuse or subacute, attenuate to base, entire, sometimes forming a rosette; second year cauline leaves and ray-leaves sessile or subsessile, oblanceolate, oblong, elliptic, ovate or suborbicular, 1-5 x 0.5-2.5 cm, rounded, obtuse or subacute, tapered or rounded at base. Raylet-leaf 'cups' 2-4 cm across. Rays 3-5, once or twice dichotomous; axillary rays 0-35. Glands short- or medium-homed. Fruit trilobate, 5 mm diam., smooth. Seeds ovoid, 3 mm, smooth, pale grey, caruncle small. Fl. 4-7. Forests, scrub, macchie, phrygana, gorges and rocky slopes, etc., 650-2100 m.
Latakia, Lebanon, W. & S. Iran. 
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