Cytinus hypocistis


Cytinus hypocistis


Ssp orientalis: İnekmemesi
Perennial. Stems 3-8 cm , glabrous except for denticulate-ciliate upper bracts and perianth. Leaves scale-like, c. 1.5 x 1 cm, oblong-ovate or elliptic, yellowish or red, transitional into bracts. Inflorescence densely spicate with 5-10 flowers, yellow, white or pink. Perianth segments ovate-oblong, 11-22 x 4 mm, persistent. Fruit 1.2 x 1.2 cm, Parasitic on Cistus creticus, C. salviifolius and  C. parviflorus. Fl 3-6. Macchie, phrygana, Pinus brutia forest and mixed forest, s.l.-450 m.
1. Flowers yellow subsp.orientalis
1. Flowers white to pink subsp. kermesinus
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