Cuscuta kotschyana

Cuscuta kotschyana

Koç bostanbozan

var caudata

Stems thin to medium, yellowish to red. Inflorescences 3-10 mm diam.: globose, of few to many dense flowers. Flowers 2.5-4 mm diam., sessile or shortly pedicellate, often papillate, whitish to yellowish, 5-merous. Calyx somewhat fleshy, lobes about as long as to longer than tube, triangular-attenuate, acute. Corolla lobes ± equalling or longer than campanulate-cylindrical tube, lanceolate- caudate to ovate-attenuate, erect to patent. Anthers ± equalling subulate filaments. Scales reaching stamens, oblong or obovate, rounded, simple, shortly fimbriate above. Stigmas subsessile, shorter than subglobose-subconical ovary, quite thick. Capsule small, 1·6-2·2 mm, subglobose. Seeds c. 0·9 mm, 3-4 per capsule, ovoid-globose. Fl. 6-8. On perennial herbs and dwarf shrubs , 1300-1400 m.

W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 

Distribution of species: Caucasia, Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia.

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