Cleome iberica
Cleome iberica
Annual or rarely perennial, stems olive-green, sometimes tinged red, 9-65 cm, with woody base and ascending branches. Petioles of teh lowermost leaves to 1,5 cm; leaflets to 3,2x 0,8 cm. Pedicels glabrous or sparsely glandular, 7-15 mm. Sepal lobes oblong, obtuse to acute , usually broadest near middle, subequal, one pair 0,7-1,1 mm, the other 1-1,5 mm; margins entire or fringed. Petals white with purplish markings, obovate, 1,8-3 mm, claved; margin often fringed. Filaments 2,5-5 mm, yellow or purplish. Anthers 0,7-0,9 mm. Fruit pendulous, 15-40 x 1,5-2,2 mm; beak 0,1-2 m; gynophore 0,5-2 mm, glabrous or sparsely glandular. Seeds 1,5-1,6 mm, areolate; areoles smooth. Fl. 5-8. Eroded shaley and limestone slopes and scree, igneous hills, 150-1400 m.
Cyprus, S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasus, Iran, N. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon. E. Medit. Element.