Herniaria glabra

Herniaria glabra


Annual or biennial , variable in habit, usually bright green and sweet-scented. Stems glabrous or very shortly pubescent. Leaves up to 7 x 3 mm, elliptic to obovate or spathulate, glabrous. Flowers about 1-1'2 mm, in dense clusters often contiguous on shorter branches. Sepals 5,  c.0·5 mm, ± glabrous. Fruit usually distinctly exceeding the calyx, with a short but distinct style bifid at the apex into two short, ± erect stigma lobes. Fl. 5-8. Usually in stony places, 1200-2740 m.

Europe, N.W. Africa, Transcaucasia, Siberia, Syrian Desert, Iran, E. Asia.

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