Dianthus multiflorus

Dianthus multiflorus

Annual, many-stemmed, divaricately branched herbs. Stem erect to ascending, fragile, slender, 20–80 cm, branching from the base, glabrous or minutely scabridulous especially toward base, usually purplish at base, many-flowered 80–250. Basal leaves linear-lanceolate to lanceolate-spatulate, 25–35 × 2.5–4.5 mm, with scabridulous edges especially near base, obtuse at apex. Cauline leaves linear-narrowly triangular to linear-lanceolate, gradually smaller upwards, flattened, distinctly nervous, glabrous, with scabridulous margin and narrowly membranous toward base, acute to acuminate at apex, their sheaths shorter than the internodes; lower cauline leaves linear-lanceolate, 20–50 × 2–2.2 mm, longer or shorter than internodes, swollen and usually purplish at base; upper cauline leaves linear to linear-narrowly triangular, 4–20 × 0.5–1.5 mm, slightly swollen at base. Inflorescence dichotomously branched; flowers almost always solitary, occasionally two or three flowers borne on the same nod; branches usually minutely scabridulous; pedicels 1–30 mm . Epicalyx scales 4, almost equaling or shorter than calyx tube, cartilaginous, straw-colored, markedly 8-nerved toward apex, glabrous, verrucose at middle and below surfaces, scabridulous at apex and on scarious margins; scarious margins terminating at or under apex; outer epicalyx segments obovate, 8–9 × 3–3.5 mm, with acuminate tip , scarious margins up to 0.75 mm broad; inner epicalyx segments obovate, 11–12 × 4–4.5 mm, with acuminate tip , scarious margins up to 0.8 mm broad. Calyx cylindric-lanceolate, verrucose, distinctly 35–40-veined, usually purplish at upper 2/3 part, 12–13 × 2.8–3 mm; teeth triangular, 4.5–5.5 mm long, 7–8–veined, with narrowly scarious and scabridulous margins. Petals white, 20 mm; limb narrowly obovate, 6–7 × 3 mm, emarginate with shallowly sinuate lobes, completely exerted from calyx, unspotted, barbulate, with 3 main purplish vein; claw 12–13 × ca. 1 mm. Anthers 3.6 mm long; filaments 7 mm long. Ovary 3.5 mm long; style 5 mm long. Capsule cylindrical, included in calyx, 10 × 3 mm. Seeds ovate to elliptic, 1.9–2.5 × 1.07–1.7 mm, black, minutely cuspidate at apex, granular, covered by irregularly polygonal or rectangular cells; anticlinal walls represented by shallow and wide grooves, with U-like undulations; the periclinal walls distinctly papillose. The cells of ventral surface 75–145 × 33.2–59.4 μm, more elongated and bigger than the cells of dorsal surface .


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