Dianthus cyri

Dianthus cyri

 Selvi karanfil

Annual, 30-40 cm. Lower cauline leaves 2,5 mm wide, linear, tapered from the middle into a long acute or sometimes subobtuse apex. Inflorescence freely branched, pedicels 2 cm or more. Bracteoles 4, with spreading bases and green cuspidate points, equalling or longer than the calyx tube.. Calyx verriculose, 11-15 3,5-5 mm, subcylindrieal, narrowed slightly above, tube enervate; teeth 4-6 mm, lanceolate, mucronate, nervose, green-tipped. Petals pink, limb 4-6 mm, narrowly ovate, sometimes barbulate, dentate. 
Transcaucasia, N.W. Iran, Syrian Desert, Afghanistan, Arabia. Ir.-Tur. element.
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