Lomelosia rotata
Lomelosia rotata
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Erect annual with pubescent and setulose stems, 5-10 cm tall, usually branched from the base. Lower leaves usually oblong-Ianceolate, entire; upper pinnatisect with linear lobes. Involucral bracts 8-10, lanceolate, usually longer than flowers, sometimes nearly 2 x as long. Capitula 0,75-2,5 cm diam., scarcely radiant; flowers mauve to pink. Fruiting head spherical. Involucel 4-6 mm, longpilose, pits linear-elliptic or -oblong, 2-3 mm long, ribs between pits sulcate; corona 4-7 mm, with 28-30, sometimes purple nerves. Calyx long-stipitate, setae 6-7 mm. FI. 5-7. Steppe, open woodland,fallow fields, 350-2440 m.
N. Balkans, Crimea, C. & N. Iran, N. Iraq, Khorassan, Transcaucasia. Ir.Tur. element.