Campanula radula
Campanula radula
Yar çanı
Chasmophytic, perennial with thick rhizome. Plant with short hispidulous, crispidulous hairs. Stems numerous, ascending-erect, sometimes flexuous, 7-45 cm, densely leafy, branching in upper part. Cauline leaves thick, firm, ovate, spathulate, shortly petiolate; median largest, broadly ovate, elliptic to orbicular, sessile slightly amplexicaule, margins crisp-undulate to irregularly dentate, 20-53 x 20-40 mm; upper gradually decreasing in size. Branches of inflorescence 1-5-- flowered , scabrous, with small leaves. Flowers 15-30 mm long. Pedicels erect, spreading, densely tomentose hispidulous. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, 2-4 mm, with very short appendages. Corolla narrowly cylindrical campanulate, longer than calyx teeth, divided to 1/4-1/3 into triangular lobes barbate inside, corolla tube with soft, long hairs inside, tomentose-hispid outside, dark blue to light blue . Ovary hemispherical or shortly obconical, style included or slightly exerted. Seed ellipsoid, 0.7 x 0.3 mm. Fl. and Fr. 7-10, limestone or volcanic crevices, rocks, 1800-2300 m.
Turkey, East Anatolia