Campanula lactiflora

Campanula lactiflora

Sparsely setulose to glabrescent perennial. Stem erect, to 150 cm, thick, striate, densely leafy. Basal leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, acute, with short petiole; cauline ovate-oblong or oblong, 5-9 x 2-3 cm, acute, serrate, sessile. Flowers erect, pedicellate to 3-7 mm on branches in usually broadly panicu!ate leafy inflorescence. Calyx lobes ovate to lanceolate, acute, 5-7 x 2-3 mm, 2 x obconical ovary, serrate, glabrous or setulose on margin and nerves, erecto-patent. Corolla broadly campanulate, 1·5-2·5 cm, divided to 1/2-2/3 into ovate lobes, glabrous, white or light blue, violet or lavender blue. Style short, included. Stigmas 3, as long as style. Capsule erect, obconical, 7-8 x 6 mm, glabrous or setulose, opening by 3 small ± apical pores. Seeds oblong, 1 x 0·6 mm, flattened, light brown, with narrow pale margin. Fl. 7-9. Forests, scrub, subalpine meadows, 600-2440 m.
Caucasia, N.W. Iran. Euxine element? 
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