Campanula jacquinii

Campanula jacquinii

Ergene çıngırağı

Syn: Trachelium jacquinii

Glabrous or shortly hairy perennial. Stems sulcate, up to 15 cm, leafy throughout, Leaves up to 35 x 9 mm, coriaceous, glabrous, oblong to ovate, crenulate to serrate, sessile except for lowest. Inflorescence a dense terminal corymb with 5-6 clusters of flowers; flowers 3-5 in each cluster, bluish-lilac. Bracts lanceolate, Bracteoles 2, linear. Calyx glabrous, rarely hairy at base, 4.5-5 mm long including 1.5-2 mm calyx lobes. Corolla tube c. 7 mm; lobes spreading, as long as tube. Style much exserted, hairy; stigma 3-lobed. Capsule ovoid-turbinate with 2-3 pores near base. Seeds c. 0.1 mm. Fl. 6-8. Rocks at sea shores, 0-60 m.

Greece, Bulgaria. E. Medit. element.


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