Asyneuma michauxioides

Asyneuma michauxioides

Sparsely short-pubescent to rarely densely hispid, monocarpic. Stems erect, stout, 40-100 cm, 1 cm diam. At base, sparsely leafy, glabrescent in upper part, branched from middle. Leaves adpressed-pubescent, rarely densely hispid; lower and middle cauline leaves ovate-cordate, coarsely long acute-dentate: rarely ±crenate, obtuse, 4-6 x 3.5-6 cm, with long petiole; upper leaves oblong, lanceolate, more shortly petiolate to sessile. Flowers usually patent to nodding, on long pedicels in long pyramidal panicle. Calyx lobes linear-subulate, 3-7 mm, patent, erect after anthesis, glabrous, longer than short obconical papillose ovary. Corolla lobes 10-14 mm, lanceolate, acute, glabrous, pale to azure-blue. Style 10 mm, filiform. Stigmas 3. Capsule obconical, ribbed, 5-6 x 5 mm, opening by 3 pores slightly above the middle. Seeds ellipsoid, 1 x 0,4 mm, brown, shiny. 2n= 34. Fl.6. Scrub, Pinus forest, rocky places, streamsides, 600-2135 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. Element.
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