Thlaspi ceratocarpon

Thlaspi ceratocarpon

Yetim dağarcık

Annual, 20-50 cm, single-stemmed, simple or branched in region of inflorescence. Basal leaves not rosette-forming, oblong, petiolate. Cauline leaves oblong-lanceolate, amplexicaul. Petals c. 2 x 1 mm. Inflorescence elongating in fruit. Silicula obtriangular, not strongly compressed laterally, 6 x 3-4 mm, horns triangular shorter than silicula, septum 5 x2.5 mm. Seeds with concentric raised ridges, slightly mucilaginous, 2 in each loculus. Fl. 4-6, Cultivated land. c. 1500 m.

Siberia and C. Asia.



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