Aethionema heterocarpum


Aethionema heterocarpum


Annual, 8-12 cm, simple-stemmed or little-branched. Basal leaves oblong, petiolate, entire. Cauline leaves oblong, oblong-triangular, amplexicaul, cordate at base, acute at apex. Petals 4-4,5 x 1-1,5 mm, pale pink. Filaments of long stamens connate most of their length, toothed; anthers apiculate. Inflorescence elongating in fruit, heterocarpic. Large fruits 8-10 x 9-10 mm on pedicels 2-5 mm long, as in previous species; septum 5 x 2 mm; wings 2,5 mm entire; sinus 1,5 mm; style 0,5-1 mm. Seeds 4-6, papillose, mucilaginous. Radicle incumbent. Small fruits 3-4 mm, with a single smooth, not mucilaginous, seed. Fl. 3-5. Limestone hills, stony slopes, fields, 500-1200 m.
W. Syria.
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