Nonea dumanii

Nonea dumanii

Cespitose perennial with thick, branched rootstock. Stems clothed at base with blackish remnants of old leaves; inflorescence ascending, branched, up to 12–32 cm tall. Indumentum densely hispid-setose on stems, leaves, bracts and calyces, with erecto-patent setae up to 3.7 mm long inserted on basal tubercles , and glandular trichomes on leaves, especially along veins, cymes, bracts and calyx. Basal leaves lanceolate, up to 8 x 1.2 cm, tapering into a short petiole, with entire margins; cauline leaves smaller , narrowly lanceolate, acute, sessile but not semi-amplexicaul at base. Cymes branched, few-flowered and somewhat elongated in fruit with pedicels up to 12 mm, erect and nearly straight. Flowering calyx setose and glandular-pubescent, ca 8 mm, divided to ca 1/3 in triangular acute lobes; fruiting calyx up to 10 mm wide and 12 mm long. Corolla infundibular, 12 mm long, tube 6 mm, limb ca 13 mm in diameter with spreading lobes, dull pink to pale red, with purple veins; tube and throat purple; faucal scales long-hairy, forming a ring. Anthers plac ed just below scales, 2 mm long, dark brown, slightly apiculate at tip. Annulus slightly thickened, glabrous. Style ca 5 mm; stigma narrowly ovoid. Nutlets ca 5.5 mm wide and 4 mm high, with lateral beak, distinctly keeled; surface brown, puberulous, prominently reticulate-rugose; basal ring thick, 1.3 mm high and vertically costate, with 12–15 teeth; elaiosome well distinct. Flowering from mid-May to late June; fruiting from June to mid-July.



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Süleyman Uysal