Cynoglossum creticum
Cynoglossum creticum
Biennial, 20-80 cm. Stem villous to tomentose, ± stout, erect, simple. Leaves greyish, pubescent to tomentose, basal with lamina elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, 9-12 x 1·5-3·5 cm, petiole to 1·5 cm, apex obtuse; lower cauline similar to basal, sessile, upper much smaller, apex subacute, base amplexicaul. Cymes ebracteate. Calyx villous, 6-8 mm in flower, to 12mm in fruit. Corolla pink or whitish, becoming pale blue with deep blue reticulate venation, 8-9 mm, shortly campanulate to infundibular, scales subquadrate. Nutlets c. 6 mm, immarginate, ovoid to depressed-globose, densely and evenly glochidiate, with tubercles between glochids on dorsal surface. Fl. 3-7. Phrygana, limestone and marly slopes, sandy cliffs, shady banks, roadsides, waste places, s.l.-1000 m.
S. Europe, Caucasia, Cyprus, Latakia, N. Iraq, N.W. and C. Iran to C. Asia.Related to. C. officinale. Easily recognized by its pale, variegated corolla.