Cerinthe major
Cerinthe major
Annual. Stems erect, 18-40 cm, simple or branched in upper part. Basal leaves obovate, to 5 x 1,8 cm, obtuse, blade attenuate into short petiole; cauline oblong-elliptic, to 6,5 x 2,5 cm, sessile, amplexicaul. Bracts ± purple-tinged. Calyx divided almost to base, lobes lanceolate-elliptic, acute to subacute, ciliate. Corolla tube purple below, yellow above, 18-23 x 6-8 mm, straight, lobes very short, acuminate, recurved. Nutlets c. 4,5 x3 mm, ovoid-globose, dark brown. Fl. 3-5. Banks, roadsides and damp places, s.l.-100 m.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.