Anchusa strigosa
Anchusa strigosa
Stout tuberculate-strigose biennial or perennial; stems erect, 40-80 cm. Leaves 70-300 x 15-35 mm, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, coriaceous, sparsely tuberculate-strigose. Cymes becoming lax in fruit; bracts minute, linear. Calyx 6-8 mm, only slightly elongating in fruit, divided to 2/3 or almost to base into obtuse, ligu-late, sparsely strigose lobes. Corolla bright blue, tube c. 8 mm, lobes 3-4 mm. Stamens inserted at top of tube. Nutlets 6-8 x 2-3 mm, oblong, erect. Fl. 5-6. On serpentine, limestone banks, waste places, 150-1300 m.
Cyprus, W. Syria, Syrian desert, Iraq, Iran.