Pulicaria arabica

Pulicaria arabica

Arap yaraotu
Subsp arabica
Annual. Stems up to 50 cm, ± erect, much branched, covered at first with long fine ± spreading hairs and glands, later glabrescent. Leaves linear-oblong or oblanceolate, 1-5 x 0,2-0,8 cm, acute at apex, semi-amplexicaul and, especially the lower leaves, subauriculate at base, entire, pilose and glandular on both surfaces. Capitula solitary at branch ends. Involucre 0,75-1 cm broad; phyllaries 4-seriate, lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent with long straight hairs and glands, outer herbaceous, c. 3 mm, inner scarious, c. 6 mm. Ray flowers c. 12; corolla tube and ligule each 3 mm. Disc flower corollas 4,5-5 mm, lobes acuminate, pubescent and glandular. Achenes oblong, ellipsoid, 1,5 mm, sparsely pubescent. Inner pappus hairs c. 15, 3,5 mm. Fl. 6-8. Road sides and fields, nr s.l.-2000 m.
Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan.
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