Calendula arvensis

Calendula arvensis

Portakal nergisi
Erect or sprawling annual. Stems usually much branched, 15-25cm, often thinly arachnoid-floccose. Leaves oblong or narrowly obovate, 3-8 x 0,5-1,4 cm, pubescent or thinly floccose, acute or obtuse, with subentire or obscurely denticulate margins. Capitula 1-2 cm broad ; ligulate flowers less than 2 x as long as phyllaries, yellow or orange; tubular flowers concolorous with ligulate ones, or sometimes brown or violet-purple. Achenes heteromorphic; outer beaked and cymbiform, or wholly cymbiform, inner annulate and rugose, or occasionally all achenes annulate and rugose. Fl. 1-6. Cultivated fields, roadsides and waste ground, occasionally on rocky hillsides, s.l.-2000 m, but usually lowland.
Widespread in southern Europe and the Mediterranean area, extending eastwards to Caucasia, Iran and Afghanistan. 
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