Pastinaca sativa
Pastinaca sativa
Şeker havucu
subsp. urens
Erect biennial with a long flexuous pubescence, rootstock thick, stems 20-100 cm, terete. Leaves 1-pinnate, 10-30 cm; leaflets 2-6-paired, ovate, 3-10 cm, dentate, sparsely hairy above, more densely so beneath; terminal leaflet often orbicular, enlarged. Umbels terminal and axillary, usually 5-7-rayed; bracts and bracteoles 0-2, caducous. Petals yellow, glabrous. Fruit 5-7 x c.4 mm, broadly ovate, glabrous; wing c. 0,5 mm wide. Fl. 7-8. Damp places, especially on cultivated ground, in Corylus scrub, etc. s.I.-1500 m.
S., C. & E. Europe, Caucasia, Lebanon.