Heracleum paphlagonicum

Heracleum paphlagonicum


Stout aromatic perennial, 1-1,5 m. Stem more than 1 cm diam. below, sulcate, ± hirsute. Lower leaves pinnate, lamina oblong in outline, over 30 cm long;· leaflets 5, subglabrous above , hirtellous beneath, lateral leaflets shortly and obtusely pinnati-lobed, the terminal leaflet 3-lobed to almost 3-sect, all with crenate-dentate margin. Upper cauline leaves with broadly oblong, retuse sheaths. Rays 30-45, unequal, 6-19 cm, ± hirtellous. Bracteoles lanceolate. Flowers white, radiant. Ovary pubescent. Fruits elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 9-12 x 4-7 mm , scabrid-pubescent; dorsal vittae filiform-clavate, 2/3-3/4 as long as mericarp; commissural vittae more broadly clavate, nearly ½  as long as mericarp. Fl. 6-7. By streams in mixed forest , 1200-1750 m.

Endemic, and so far only known from Ilgaz Da. Euxine element.

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