Hellenocarum multiflorum

Hellenocarum multiflorum


Erect glabrous perennial with a thick fusiform root. Stems sturdy, much branched from base, terete, finely ridged, up to 70 cm. Basal leaves broad triangular, 2-3-pinnate, up to 10 x 7 cm; ultimate segments ovate, lobed or deeply pinnatifid, c. 10 x 7 mm. Petiole shorter than rachis. Cauline leaves few, much smaller than basal. Rays 15-20, ± equal, 15-20 mm. Bracts 8-10, c. 4 mm, oblong, reflexed. Bracteoles 6-10, c. 2 mm. Flowers white, 15-20 per umbellule. Fruits oblong-ellipsoid, 2-3 x 1,5 mm, ridges with narrow acute wings; styles c. 1 mm, deflexed; stylopodium conical. Fl. 4. Limestone rock crevices.

S.E. Italy, S. Balkans, Cyprus. E. Medit. element.

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