Coriandrum tordylium
Coriandrum tordylium
Stem solid, terete, 20-50 cm. Leaves ternate or 1-pinnate, segments ± ovate, cuneate below, margins ± irregularly crenate or serrate, 3-10 x 2,5-5 cm, upper smaller. Rays 6-12, unequal 1,5-4 em. Bracts 0-1, linear-setaceous, 2-3 mm. Bracteoles 5-8, linear-lanceolate, membranous margined, 1,5-2 mm. Pedicels unequal, 5-8 mm. Petals to 7 x 4,5 mm. Fruit c. 4 mm, pale brown when ripe, immature drying black. Mericarps eventually separating. Primary ridges 0, secondary filiform. Vittae absent. Fl. 6. Steppe, fields, and waste ground, c. 900 m.
Lebanon, Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element.