Allium sibthorpianum
Allium sibthorpianum
Küme soğanı
Bulb oblong, 0.7-1 cm diam.; tunics with distant, raised ribs, outer black, inner purple and membranous. Stem 4.5-12 cm. Leaves 1-2, filiform, 0.5-1 mm broad, almost terete, channelled, shorter than or c. as long as stem. Valves of spathe subulate-attenuate from a lanceolate base, as long as orlonger than umbel. Umbel 1.5-2 cm diam., few-flowered. Pedicels 0.7-1 cm, slightly unequal. Perianth shortly campanulate; segments mauvish-pink or purple with a darker midvein, oblong-spathulate, 5-6 mm, acutish. Filaments pink, slightly shorter than perianth. Capsule 5-6 mm. Fl. 8-9. Fissures of limestone rocks, stony slopes, screes, mountain pastures, 700-2500 m.
Endemic. E.·Medit. element.