Allium commutatum

 Allium commutatum


 Bulb subglobose, to 6 cm diam.; outer tunics membranous or coriaceous; bulblets few, large, yellowish. Stem 50-100 cm. Leaves 5-13,10-25 mm broad, flat, glabrous. Spathe 1-valved, abruptly contracted into 8-20 cm beak, soon caducous. Umbel hemispherical to globose, 3-7 cm diam. Perianth ovoid; segments whitish, yellowish-green, pale green or pink with green keel, 4-5 mm; outer broadly elliptic, strongly concave with acute to obtuse apex, inner narrowly obovate with serrate margin, all covered with small papillae. Stamens exserted; outer filaments usually tricuspidate, rarely simple, inner tricuspidate with basal lamina and lateral cusps c. as long as median cusp. Capsule c. 4 mm. Fl. 6-7. Usually on coastal cliffs, on limestone.

C. & E. parts of Mediterranean area. Medit. element. 

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