Petrosimonia brachiata

Petrosimonia brachiata


Plant erect, elongate, little or much branched, bushy, densely hairy. Leaves 2-5 cm, half-cylindrical, linear, broadened at the base, the bases of the opposite leaves united. Flowers solitary, often globular-compressed, c. 4 mm, in the axils of bracts which are similar to the leaves. Bracteoles with a long-ovate, hardened lower part, upper part short, semicircular to triangular, boat-shaped, channelled, recurved. Perianth segments with an ovate lower part and a narrow, oblong upper part, glabrous or weakly hairy at the tip, membranous. Stamens 5, partly reduced. Style very short or absent; stigmas 1·2 mm, thread-like. Fi. 6-9. On damp salt sand or clay soils, c. 900 m.

Greece, Bulgaria, S. Russia, Iran, E to Chinese Dzungaria.

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